Financial Management

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Almost every module that involves money can be linked to our financial accounting module. You will receive an online accounting of all revenue made as well as any expenses committed. The revenue entries are already collected from the module where the transaction is done; therefore there is no need to enter them. All pertinent information, such as staff salaries and pay, consultant share, etc. will be available. The features of our finance management software include automatic transfer of all transactions to accounting module, user defined ledger groups, user definition of cost centre, department wise income detail, and generation of key reports.

The accounting of different schemes and cash books for the end of the financial year is automated using a financial account management system. The finance management software provides for varied cost structures for different categories of students based on fee concessions and allows students to pay online. It can also handles faculty member payments, which can be connected with the HR system to track attendance and performance. Our finance managenet software is highly custgomizable as per client requirements and also the solution provides high security for financial information. Also, the system can be can customized and scaled in anyway to meet specific needs.

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